
秋叶Autumn Leaves….

2021-12-02Jane Mitch107


In our opinion Autumn leaves are equally as beautiful and equally as colorful as the flowers of Spring. Starting off by simply observing the changing colors of leaves on trees outside and noticing that some trees leaves don’t change color and others already lost most of their leaves. We began to collect leaves and explore what we might do with them, some children said we can make leaf boats… other children said leaf people and some children even wanted to make leaf clothes, and so began our journey of 100 uses of Autumn leaves.




After collecting the leaves we found there were so many leaves and what could we do, so the first thing we needed to do was sort the leaves, maybe by shape, maybe by size, maybe by color. After Sorting the leaves, it became a lot easier to use the leaves for patterns and other creative ideas.




We found the colours of the leaves to be truly beautiful and tried to replicate them by mixing paints and using our imagination. To preserve the colours of Autumn we pressed leaves in books and used them later to make arts and crafts.




As Autumn drew to a close some of the children wanted to have a leaf party, it just so happened to fall around the same time as our monthly birthday party. So it happened, Leaves, Leaves and more leaves with a little bit of music and dancing and the Autumn Leaf party wrapped up a great couple of weeks of exploring 100 uses of Autumn Leaves.


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