
MYP Information Session-Education for a Better World


2023922日,IB主管Ms. Seema女士给家长做了主题为Education for a Better WorldMYP Information Session的讲座。详细讲解了MYP单元介绍及测试。首先Ms. Seema女士带领大家一起回顾MYP的开班仪式,并向各位家长表示祝贺。接下来,各学科老师分别就本学科的学习给予了指导。

语言与文学是以国家基础课程标准夯实孩的华 夏根基、家国情怀;以融合跨学科探究的理念和框架培养孩的国际 视野和领袖胸襟。Language acquisition is all about students l focusing on listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting. 的习得就是让学专注于听、说、读、写、视 看演 Statement of Inquiry:-“My Neighborhood” Learners attribute profile: - open-mindedness. 学习者属性概况:---思维开阔。 Students enchanced their skills in English writing through art and design. 同学们通过艺术提了英语写作技能。

MYP Mathematics uses inquiry approach to help students interact with real life contexts and apply their mathematical knowledge in solving real life problems. 中学数学项探究的法帮助学 与现实活环境互动,并将他们的数学 知识应于解决现实活中的问题。In MYP, "Individuals and Societies" students learn about history and geography to understand the world. This helps them become better thinkers and responsible global citizens. 在中学项中,与社会是指学 习历史和地理能够帮助学了解世界。这有 助于他们成为更好的思考者和负责任的全球公民。今年,我们首次增加了Design设计这门学科。对学生进行实践教育以及提升运用批判性和创造性思维技能,确保可持续发展,进而能够解决问题、发展思维,培养学生的创新和创造力。

In MYP, visual art through collaborative skills students to express their ideas and take agency and ownership of their artistic endeavors. Our curriculum is structured around four essential criteria: investigation, development, creation, and evaluation. MYP,视觉艺术通过合作技能,学可以表达⾃⼰的想法,并不断培养⾃⾝ 艺术努。我们的课程围绕四个基本标:调查、发展、创造和评估。就Music学科,老师希望学生能够Find Out how to recognize and then recreate patterns of music Explore interconnectedness of local and global cultures Take Action to research and then develop an understanding of the world we live in through a universal language. In MYP Music subject, students: 学习如何组织并重新创造乐模式 探索本⼟⾳乐与国外化的互联性。 采取动,通过种通⽤⾳乐语来研究和理解我们所活的世界。科学老师在学生培养中也有自己的思考。Students develop scientific knowledge through a statements of inquiry to help them identify factual, conceptual and debatable inquiry questions. Assessment criteria are closely aligned with the learning objectives. 通过探究来发展科学知识,帮助 他们识别事实性、概念性和可辩论性的探究问题。评估标准与学习标紧密配合。对于体育学科,Interaction, cooperation and perspective are important in building quality team relationships during competition. 赛中,互动、合作和观点是建⽴⾼质量团队 关系的重要因素。 Students explored the concept of teamwork in different invasions games by taking on different responsibilities and perspectives while cooperating and interacting with other students with different roles. Biomotor abilities required for certain roles like physical strength were trained through different methods of training.们在不同的对抗游戏中,通过承担不同的责任,与不同⻆⾊的同学进合作和互动,探索团队合作的概念。某些⻆⾊所需的运动技能则通过不同的训练法进训练。


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