
MYP Curriculum Presentation led by MYP Students for ADMISSIONS in 2023-2024




On Friday, December 1st, four of us represented MYP at an Open Day to give a talk about it.

We introduced the learning life of MYP and showed our daily life. We use bilingual to explain the study of each subject. Chinese, we learned prose, there are a variety of practices. Math, we integrate learning rules into life, visit the school farm, solve problems. In English, we imagine streets, write dreams, make models. Science, we experiment with our own hands, explore the principles of electricity. Design, we inquire the information, design the packaging and make it ourselves. Music, we play our own opening trumpet with our instruments. In art, we learn dots, lines, patterns, and complete paintings together as a class. Sports. We learn football and play the next game. Individuals and societies, we explore history and learn skills.

Miss Seema didn't tell us about it until half an hour before it started.  Facing parents, we are undoubtedly nervous, but also did our best. 

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