
The Collaboration of IB and Kindergarten Departments IB与幼儿园的合作


December is a very festive time of the year. We have Christmas celebrations, New year celebrations and Chinese Spring break holiday. Every year, each department in the school puts on a show for the parents to celebrate one of these events. This year the primary school celebrated the festival of Snow and the Kindergarten department celebrated winter with a Chinese New Year twist.


The IB department collaborated with the primary school to create an absolutely amazing and inspiring show. The IB department invited the foreign teachers of the kindergarten to perform on stage together with all the teachers from the IB department. Being the most outgoing bunch of teachers in the school, the foreign specialist team of the kindergarten was very excited to perform alongside the IB department teachers in their winter celebration show.


The two departments had troubles finding the time to rehearse where everyone would be available but they made a plan anyway. The IB team was led by Michael while the kindergarten team was led by Jordan. Mr Brian was in charge of the entire performance and he composed music and allocated the instruments to everyone. The whole team participated in the choreography and the rehearsals started producing sounds worth listening to instead of noise.


In the end the performance was a great success. Everyone involved and everyone watching was very happy. The collaboration efforts between the IB and kindergarten department was inspiring. This performance opened a new door of possibilities as to what is possible when teachers come together as a team.


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