
好处多多——故事与戏剧的完美结合 The Incredible Benefits of Combining Story-Telling and Drama

2023-02-18Fimiy and Tati403


Little children are naturally curious and love to explore the world around them. They take in everything they see, hear, feel and touch. Drama provides a creative way for young children to express themselves while learning about language, social skills and emotional intelligence at the same time. In January, the children explored the possibilities of story-telling and communication through the use of their voices and bodies. The teachers prioritized cultivating confidence and self-esteem that can translate beyond the kindergarten experience.



Story-Stones and their Significance to Children’s Learning 


The children immersed themselves in the art of storytelling by making story-stones. In their free-time, the children were invited to draw a picture or symbol of their choosing. Once complete, they pasted them on the stones. When the children felt as though they had enough stones, they began using them to create simple stories. Rather than sitting still and listening to a teacher read from a book, the children were encouraged to move, speak, and respond to one another. The children who are challenged by reading and writing often responded more positively to the imaginative and multi-sensory learning offered by the activity.



Drama Across the Curriculum 


Dramatic play is already a natural part of most children’s lives before they start school in the form of make-believe play, enabling them to make sense of their own identity by exploring meaningful fictional situations that have parallels in the real world. The children in K3 used the fundamental skills drama provides such as creativity, cooperation, enquiry, communication, empathy, self-confidence, leadership, and even negotiation. The children used teamwork to keep themselves and each other accountable. Throughput this process of working together, the children have furthered developed their socializing and communication skills when supporting one another.  The empathy explored during this month has been more than profound. 


Our drama program in conjunction with the story-telling elements the children have learned throughout the month aims to use drama as a platform to encourage creativity in our young learners by facilitating them to explore their unique talents and gifts.1_副本.jpg


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